
Guess who's back? Back again ...

Nicole is back, ask again .. ''Okay have to stop that one.''

Got back to the big city last week, time to shine bright like a star, coz there ain't stars here. Its good to be back to the traffic, the lights and the dirt in my lungs.

My aunt left PH to go back to DK, so now I'm on my own again, or I have been on my own pretty much all the time, but there have been a lot of family by my side  never since i got here. Thanks God, I'm blessed by meeting my new long lost brother from the Philippines. Lol, I've been really spending a lot of time with my new Kuya, ever since i got to know him. His awesome ;) 

Well, the next comming days ill be apartment hunting again, since the place i choose to stay at before i went to Bicol didn't turned out as planned. It's actually hard to find something affordable since i only wanna rent short term, but ill find something, I always do ... For now Im stayin' in Mckinley Hill (Manila), i feel like I'm somewhere in the states since everybody here is either a white ass, speaks fluently english. Like even the filipinos communicate with each other in english. But yeah' its nice here tho' but Im gonna move from here anytime soon ..

So this week I've been partyin' every single day or since wednesday and today my body feels like it got hit by a truck. So just called a massage woman who past by at home and gave me a massage. You cant even do that in DK, or yeah' u can get a massage at this time in DK, its just another kind of massage, LMAO. So yesterday i went out with some friends and got one of my phone stolen, driver license and charger to my other phone .. Well sh*t happens. That ain't gonna kill my vibe. There is more in life than that and I just look at it like its kinda a charity thingy, that they just took them self, LOL! :) #ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines

Well this world ain't exactly what my heart expected .. But my life is good, and God is great! 


Appreciating the stars.

From Mindoro to Manila. I just spend 2 days in Manila tryin’ to find my new home for the next 2 month, and I found it, for now. Or maybe ill be moving again, since I obviously got a thing for moving around. But lets see what I will bring the future ….

The date turned January 8, the day where I had a ticket going back to my family in DK and a ticket going to my family in Bicol. Well its the 19th january I’m here I Bicol now, so I’m officially stranded in the Philippines. It actually feels weird to be here without any ticket back. I think the feeling would have been different if I only bought a one-way ticket from the beginning. Well I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere or I mean out of PH before the 20th march (my visa expires that date if i don't extend it, again). But who knows for how long I’m gonna stay?  Everyday Is a surprise for me ..

For now I’ve been enjoyin’ life, spendin’ 2 weeks in Bicol with my amazing family and lookin’ at the stars.  Before heading back to Manila where you should be lucky to see the stars. If you cant see the stars, then be one.

Tomorrow I’m heading back to Manila, ready for new adventures .. See you soon Province, Good to see you again City ..

Life is good, God is great.  



So I found my way, and spend 2 days on white beach with my friend Sandra, I really enjoyed the time with her, and I even got a little tanned for the first time since I got here.

The trip from Caticlan to Puerto Galera was the longest ever, first of all I was up all night the 2nd of January, so I was supposed to get the 8 am boat, but feel asleep, so I got up at 8am, tried to caught the 10am boat but of course that one was cancelled, so had to take the next which where 12. But as it is here in the Philippines, they NEVER stick to time, so the boat left the port 1,5 hour later than it was supposed to. The trip to Roxas took 4,5 hours, luckily enough I meet a group of Danish guys on the boat, which I had a lot of fun with.
When we came to Roxas, we had to take a van to Puerto Galera. Of course the price started very high with 6500p to rent the whole, but I knew that the only reason why the price where so high was because we where white. Thanks God my Tagalog skills is getting better and better for everyday, so I used the most important sentence you should know here: ‘’Wlang tawad po?’’ which means, ‘’isn’t there any discount?’’  - of course all the pinoy’s at the port got chocked, since the white girl started to speak Tagalog, but it helped, and we got the price down to 4500p. The trip with van was supposed to take 5 hours, but our driver was driving so fast that it only took 3,5.

What can I say about Puerto Galera (white beach)?

Well there is a beach, its white. The hotels there are okay, the food is okay too, nothing special. The nightlife dies around 1am, there is a bunch of lady boys, I actually think they own that place. There are a lot of water activities like banana boat, diving, jetski etc. Which is much more cheap than Boracay. And since I always wanted to try the jetski I actually went for a ride. I need one of those in the future.

After spending 2 nights there, me and my friend went to the occidental side of Mindoro to visit her parents, I stayed there over night, and then I took a ferry to Batangas, bus to Manila and a cab home.

Its good to be back in the city, eventho’ im only gonna be here for 2 days before heading to the Province to visit my family for 2 weeks. ‘’Well, welcome to my life in a suitcase’’

Life is good, God is great!



5 days in the paradise of tourists. Boracay is fun, but wauw, there are a lot of tourists. I Meet a lot of new amazing people and had a really a great time with my buddie King Bee. :)

Being there 3days is to short, 5-7 days is enough and everything more than 5-7days are too much.  Eventho’ I like partyin’ , go to the beach and just do what ever when ever, it doesn’t feel like your in the Philippines when your there, waaaaay to many tourist.  Thanks god that my buddie knew some awesome pinoys, which are living there, so we could see another side of Boracay.

One of the guys is a tattoo artist, and I was really intimidated to make another one, but I didn’t (hi mom, I know you are reading this, but ‘no I didn’t make a new tattoo ‘ I love you) The other one is this really talented artist, who make art out of junk. Unfortunately his unknown, but this guy really deserves to get known, coz his really talented.

Well these guys took us around on the island, and we saw a totally different side of Boracay, we went to this place where all the ‘’real Boracay’’ people live where I meet these 2 beautiful kids playing on the beach with their dogs. These two boys are just few of all the real Boracay people who have been here long time before the island got so crowded with white ass people like me. A lot of people don’t see them, but for every day that’s passing by their beautiful island is getting more and more crowded with selfish tourist that doesn’t respect their home. -  Hard words but true.

But if you come as a tourist, the only thing you would see is a lot of people like you, water activities, drunk people, bars/restaurants, an amazing white beach and the most beautiful sunrise/sunset.

New Year there was crazy eventho’ it was rainin’ like crazy, and I started my year by tasting one of the traditional ‘’snacks’’ here in Philippines, Balut (google it if you don’t know what it is). I’ve always been telling my self that I should never ever in my life taste it, but after been sitting on the beach and watching the sunset, my buddie though he should ruin the moment, by forcing me to eat that nasty piece of eeg. I did it, and it only took me 12 mins, my buddie shouting at me and a Gatorade to do it.

Sooo, now it’s January 3, and its time to pack my suitcase and say goodbye to my buddie. I’m gonna continue my little trip alone to Puerto Galera to meet up with my friend Sandra. Lets hope I can find my way. 

Life’s good, god is great.