

5 days in the paradise of tourists. Boracay is fun, but wauw, there are a lot of tourists. I Meet a lot of new amazing people and had a really a great time with my buddie King Bee. :)

Being there 3days is to short, 5-7 days is enough and everything more than 5-7days are too much.  Eventho’ I like partyin’ , go to the beach and just do what ever when ever, it doesn’t feel like your in the Philippines when your there, waaaaay to many tourist.  Thanks god that my buddie knew some awesome pinoys, which are living there, so we could see another side of Boracay.

One of the guys is a tattoo artist, and I was really intimidated to make another one, but I didn’t (hi mom, I know you are reading this, but ‘no I didn’t make a new tattoo ‘ I love you) The other one is this really talented artist, who make art out of junk. Unfortunately his unknown, but this guy really deserves to get known, coz his really talented.

Well these guys took us around on the island, and we saw a totally different side of Boracay, we went to this place where all the ‘’real Boracay’’ people live where I meet these 2 beautiful kids playing on the beach with their dogs. These two boys are just few of all the real Boracay people who have been here long time before the island got so crowded with white ass people like me. A lot of people don’t see them, but for every day that’s passing by their beautiful island is getting more and more crowded with selfish tourist that doesn’t respect their home. -  Hard words but true.

But if you come as a tourist, the only thing you would see is a lot of people like you, water activities, drunk people, bars/restaurants, an amazing white beach and the most beautiful sunrise/sunset.

New Year there was crazy eventho’ it was rainin’ like crazy, and I started my year by tasting one of the traditional ‘’snacks’’ here in Philippines, Balut (google it if you don’t know what it is). I’ve always been telling my self that I should never ever in my life taste it, but after been sitting on the beach and watching the sunset, my buddie though he should ruin the moment, by forcing me to eat that nasty piece of eeg. I did it, and it only took me 12 mins, my buddie shouting at me and a Gatorade to do it.

Sooo, now it’s January 3, and its time to pack my suitcase and say goodbye to my buddie. I’m gonna continue my little trip alone to Puerto Galera to meet up with my friend Sandra. Lets hope I can find my way. 

Life’s good, god is great.   

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