
Appreciating the stars.

From Mindoro to Manila. I just spend 2 days in Manila tryin’ to find my new home for the next 2 month, and I found it, for now. Or maybe ill be moving again, since I obviously got a thing for moving around. But lets see what I will bring the future ….

The date turned January 8, the day where I had a ticket going back to my family in DK and a ticket going to my family in Bicol. Well its the 19th january I’m here I Bicol now, so I’m officially stranded in the Philippines. It actually feels weird to be here without any ticket back. I think the feeling would have been different if I only bought a one-way ticket from the beginning. Well I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere or I mean out of PH before the 20th march (my visa expires that date if i don't extend it, again). But who knows for how long I’m gonna stay?  Everyday Is a surprise for me ..

For now I’ve been enjoyin’ life, spendin’ 2 weeks in Bicol with my amazing family and lookin’ at the stars.  Before heading back to Manila where you should be lucky to see the stars. If you cant see the stars, then be one.

Tomorrow I’m heading back to Manila, ready for new adventures .. See you soon Province, Good to see you again City ..

Life is good, God is great.  

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