
Guess who's back? Back again ...

Nicole is back, ask again .. ''Okay have to stop that one.''

Got back to the big city last week, time to shine bright like a star, coz there ain't stars here. Its good to be back to the traffic, the lights and the dirt in my lungs.

My aunt left PH to go back to DK, so now I'm on my own again, or I have been on my own pretty much all the time, but there have been a lot of family by my side  never since i got here. Thanks God, I'm blessed by meeting my new long lost brother from the Philippines. Lol, I've been really spending a lot of time with my new Kuya, ever since i got to know him. His awesome ;) 

Well, the next comming days ill be apartment hunting again, since the place i choose to stay at before i went to Bicol didn't turned out as planned. It's actually hard to find something affordable since i only wanna rent short term, but ill find something, I always do ... For now Im stayin' in Mckinley Hill (Manila), i feel like I'm somewhere in the states since everybody here is either a white ass, speaks fluently english. Like even the filipinos communicate with each other in english. But yeah' its nice here tho' but Im gonna move from here anytime soon ..

So this week I've been partyin' every single day or since wednesday and today my body feels like it got hit by a truck. So just called a massage woman who past by at home and gave me a massage. You cant even do that in DK, or yeah' u can get a massage at this time in DK, its just another kind of massage, LMAO. So yesterday i went out with some friends and got one of my phone stolen, driver license and charger to my other phone .. Well sh*t happens. That ain't gonna kill my vibe. There is more in life than that and I just look at it like its kinda a charity thingy, that they just took them self, LOL! :) #ItsMoreFunInThePhilippines

Well this world ain't exactly what my heart expected .. But my life is good, and God is great! 

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