

THE BEST PLACE ON EARTH <3 Bicol, the region where my family lives, and the best region in the Philippines if you ask me ;) Normally I really feel comfortable when i go there, but this time i was so nervous and excited coz my boyfriend had to meet all of them for the first time. Ive always seen my family in the Philippines as my hidden treasure, and like any other pirate, sharing a hidden treasure is not what just do. But luckily they all loved him and told him to come back next year :) So guess what … we are coming back :D Im already excited!!!

Well .. .. enough ''talking'' press play and enjoy ;) 


I know, I know …. Totally behind uploading the videos. Been home for 2 weeks now, and i really miss Philippines! Sux to be back :( but gotta work to get that money :P
Well here is the video from Boracay, the island of party :) We had an amazing time her, and really got to relax and do what ever we want. Really love this place eventho' its so expensive coz of the tourism on the island …

Time to press play, enjoy our 'high lights' or don't ..



Pa'pa'pa'palaaaawaaann :) So we went to Palawan for a couple of days, to really get our vacation started. The first 2 days was amazing, but then we both ended up getting pretty sick. Soooo, we were supposed to go island jumping before we left, but ended up canceling, since we both weren't feeling well. But at least we got to enjoy the 2 first days, by the pool and exploring the underground river. Unfortunately we tried to record a video inside but it was waaaaaay to dark. But i can tell that it was beautiful inside :)

Press play, enjoy our 'high lights' or don't .. 


From Denmark to Philippines .

So im bit behind with the whole video cutting, but the first is done! From Copenhagen to Manila, its a bit short, since we first got our memory card at the airport, and we didn't know if the camera was working or not .. And of course when we got to Manila, we found out we lost the cable to transfer the videos/pictures to my laptop, BUT there is always a sulution for everything, so we found a cheap one in a mall! 

I hope you will enjoy the short video of the first part of our adventure .. .. and if not then i don't care :P